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Tuesday, September 07, 2004

My Boring Life

Our friend Rebecca was in town from DC this weekend, so we ate out quite a bit and partied some. Note that in our social circle, "partying" is defined as grilling hot dogs and watching a movie. Overall, it really was a lot of fun. I think, though, that we probably need to investigate more group activities that aren't food-centered.

We finally got to see Without a Paddle on Sunday. Very funny movie...although for some reason I keep wanting to call it Up a Creek, or some other variation on that phrase.

It's nothing short of cold here tonight, with lows in the 40's (well, cold for Arkansas, anyway), which is great for me. Autumn is my favorite season, and the colder weather has gotten me excited about it. My plans include a visit to a Halloween fair in Oklahoma, a hayride, and at least one trip to a corn maze. Whoo hoo!

I guess maybe my life isn't completely boring, but it definitely confirms my dorkiness.


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