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Sunday, April 09, 2006

A Real Post

Today was nice. Heather Marie and I slept in some this morning, then went for a nice hike at the Shaddox Hollow Trail east of Rogers.

The hike was noteworthy because we took Magaidh with us for the first time. When we got her, we'd planned to take her on all sorts of outdoor trips and treks with us, but she's been with us over five years now, and this was her first real hike. We feel kind of bad about that, but she's really only missed two or three camping trips or hikes in that time. We really need to get out more.

Tonight I've been using my new pen tablet to edit some maps for Heather Marie's presentation on the 19th. What an exercise in frustration! None of the three image editing tools I have on my system would do all of the things I needed, so I've had to switch back and forth between them. After finishing that, I wanted to do some image stuff for a new idea I've got for my blog, but even though it's a simple thing, I simply have not been able to suss out how to do it. Sheesh.


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