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Monday, June 28, 2004


I just wanted to add that my quest to return to real health after the ravages of grad school and a desk job is going well. I lost 4 lbs. this week out of my 50 lb. goal (trying to go from 230 to 180).

I'm using a really radical weight loss plan to do it. It's called Eating Healthier & Exercising More. It entails cutting down on between meal snacks, choosing healthier foods, reducing preposterously large portions, exercising to build strength, and walking/running 3-5 miles per week. So far it seems pretty effective, but I'm afraid it may not be flashy enough or fast enough to gain general acceptance. Heck, it doesn't even have a nifty Atkins-style logo or cool slogan!

Since my actual goal is developing a healthier lifestyle rather than just losing weight, I feel confident that I'll end up far better off than I would with just a crash diet (duh). And at the risk of sounding corny, I have to admit that Arkansas' own governor and the NPR story about his new health initiative were at least somewhat inspirational.


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