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Saturday, July 08, 2006

Half a Weekend

One day down, one to go.

Not much going today. I got up early (well, early for me on a Saturday, anyway) and got the yard mowed before it got too hot, then I ran down to the museum to help Heather Marie with some stuff. After getting done at the museum, I had to run pick up a friend from work at the airport.

He was gone to NYC for a week and didn't want to pay to park his car at the airport for a week, so he left it with us. We'd been talking about getting a second car since Heather Marie got her driver's license last summer, and we figured that having two vehicles this week would be a good taste of that.

As it turned out, it was slightly more convenient, but hardly the life-style-altering event one might have expected. Granted, one week is hardly definitive, but when we think about it, there just really aren't that many occasions when we both have to be totally separate places simultaneously.

We'd still like to add a second car for some very good reasons, but convenience fell way down on the list. This week also gave us a good idea of how often we might really have to use both cars, and the fact that it apparently won't be much means that when we decide to get one, we won't necessarily have to shop for something intended for everyday use.


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