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Friday, July 14, 2006

Friday Relief

Wow, do I ever need a weekend! I worked late last night, then worked some more from home, then put in another hour between 12am and 1am when the stuff I'd done earlier apparently broke some other work (turned out to be completely unrelated to what I'd done, but I didn't find that out until this morning).

Then on the way to lunch with a couple of friends from work, the car we were in broke down. Thankfully it wasn't mine, since the engine basically just totally locked up. I never found out what the details were exactly, but the solution is going to be a whole new engine, to the tune of $4000 or so. Bummer!

I actually have some follow-up info on the car thing from yesterday, as well as some interesting stuff from work, but I'm just too tired to mess with it right now. Gotta go get some sleep.


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